So I need to do a little catch up with this first post as it has been a while since I took that first home pregnancy test. A little history is required then.
A few weeks back, in the afternoon I was going about my usual mommy business of taking care of 5 children and keeping house when I kept feeling strange pulling like twinges in my lower abdomen. Strange I thought; but more so, "Hm, I wonder." So off to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. Let me say this is the very first time I have ever taken a home test in the middle of the afternoon. Much to my surprise and delight, that second line did not take long to appear. "Ha! What!?! No way!" I thought. I couldn't contain it. I immediately showed my husband who was on the computer. With much delight and excitement he looked at me and said, "You're pregnant!?!" Yup! I am!
Now if anyone is like me and a bit addicted to testing. I thought I would try again in the morning just to "make sure". And sure enough, that second line appeared just as quickly as last time. So it now begins. We have the next nine months to prepare bringing in a new member to our family.
Fast forward a couple weeks and I make my first appointment. It is more or less just to confirm the pregnancy which helps us with insurance. Before I even went in, I had to meet with the financial office to get all the insurance information cleared up and to inform them on how it was all going to be paid. Then I met with the PA (who was also the one who helped deliver my last baby) and she is such a delight. I have a feeling most of my care will be with her. Thankfully her focus is on OB. Anyway, bp was good 127/80 (yes for me that is good). We touched base on how we would like this pregnancy to move forward. With my last pregnancy I may have been border line GD as he was born at 10lbs 2.5 oz. So, this time around, I need to work on my diet a bit more to help keep the size down a bit. Anyway, in a few weeks I will be making my next appointment for our first intake which will mark our first official appointment for this pregnancy.