Sunday, October 9, 2011

Journey to a Hospital Birth

So I have been thinking about this blog series for a long time.  Not sure why, but I get the courage to type it up, then something holds me back.  As everyone knows, there are hot topics when it comes to parenting especially in the mothering realm.  Some of the "biggies" I've seen are breast vs formula, to vax or not to vax, and home birth vs hospital birth.  I think there is a time and place for everything and every "side".  

With that said, home birth or to not home birth has been something I have been thinking about since the birth of my last child.  Frankly, I never even considered it until I had my fourth child.  I have met some wonderful women through LLL (La Leche League)  who are huge advocates of home birth.  If it were not for them and some fantastic moms I met online, I don't think I would be quite so natural birth either.  
We are now expecting baby #6 in June and I broached the subject with my husband.  Wile at first he seemed to be all for it.  I was happy!  I would love to have a home birth.  However, there is really only one thing (well two really) keeping me from actively pursuing a home birth.  The first is that the closest midwife is an hour away.  Um, considering how fast I go, not having a midwife arrive in time is not comforting to me.  I will not do an unassisted birth; it's a risk that I am not willing to take.  Secondly, midwives in this state have to essentially work underground to perform home births.  To me that doesn't sit right.  A birthing center is a wonderful compromise; unfortunately the only one in this state is over 2 hours away.  Uh, yeah.  No chance of that happening!!  I'd be walking in the doors with the baby in my arms!  HA!
A hospital birth.  To many moms the mere sounds of the words send them reeling into a dark corner while clutching their legs.  For me, I embrace it.  Why?  Because living in a small town where the two doctors (who are also my pediatricians and family physicians) are the most hands off physicians I have ever encountered.  Baby #3 and #4 were inductions.  I think I saw the doctors a total of 3 times before it was time to push.  Otherwise I was left to myself (and my hubby) to labor.  Pure bliss.  I truly was the one in control.  So much so that I even have the power to make the doctors and nurses stop talking!!  HA!  On a side note, I hate noise while in labor.  Not even a whisper.  Totally throws off my concentration.  

Okay, so a hospital birth.  I embrace it also because it gives me a sense of security.  I know that these two professionals who have delivered thousands of babies have plenty of experience to handle any emergency (and I know midwives do to) and I am right there in the hospital already.  Now, to be honest really, it'd be silly for me to not go to the hospital because we live 2 blocks from it!  I have not had a bad experience with my 5 deliveries in a hospital (that I can recollect that is).  So because of my experiences with my last three deliveries, I am very confident with my care takers.  

So with that said, I will chronicle my days and appointments with this pregnancy.  They may not be all that exciting and awe inspiring, but with the age of technology and the ability to share anything with friends and family, I want to do something special with this child: from the beginning. 

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