It is early on a chilly morning. You wake up and realize it is Saturday. Woo Hoo!!!! Then you look down at your obviously pregnant belly and gasp! I'M ONE WEEK AWAY FROM MY THIRD TRIMESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!
We make our lists, check them 100 times, inventory our kid stuff and/or tweak our registries. That is the process I am currently in. And really, we are in great shape. There will be one difference however this time around. We are going to cloth diaper. We started with the cloth diapers for our son when he was around 18 months or so. It is something I am believing more and more in for many reasons and the direction I plan to take for this soon to arrive baby.
If you are not familiar with cloth diapers, there are sooooooooo many different options out there. Not to mention, they have come a long way from what they were when we were growing up and disposables really were not an option. This is why I'm blessed to have my good friend Nicole. I call her my cloth diaper guru. She runs a cloth diaper business out of her home and is a fabulous teacher and resource.
I have decided at this point to stock up on prefolds, snappi's, diaper covers and a few fitteds. I'm going to be trying out different brands and products and I will come back to report exactly what I have and how I plan to use them. Then, when baby comes late February or sometime in March, I'll be sure to report on what I like and what is/is not working for us.
I'm really excited about this. I don't hug trees. I eat meat and don't really buy into what we have been told about climate change and global warming. BUT.....I do believe we are to be as good of a steward of the planet as possible. This is one way to do that for our family. Not to mention, cloth diapers are super cute and they reduce the amount of chemicals that come in contact with your child. For me, that is a total win even when you consider an extra load of laundry 3 times per week.
Sharon Underwood is a SAHM of one awesome little 2 year old boy Derrek. She and her husband live in a rural town in Nebraska. Through mutual friends, Sharon and I have learned quite a bit about raising our families "naturally".