Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Keep that fleece soft.

I have many diapering blogs that I love to follow, and I hate to admit it, I've started to lose interest in some of them.  Over the past couple of years I felt like I had read all there was when it comes to cloth diapering.  I'm happy to be proven wrong.  I came across this fantastic blog about keeping your fleece lined diapers soft.  One of the biggest things that irritate me the most from fleece lined pockets is that the fleece will always pill.  I always thought that that was just the nature of the beast and nothing could be done about it.  Nope!  A simple hairbrush can fix this problem.  Unfortunately I don't think mine can be saved, but I think I'm going to give it a try.  Simply take a bristle brush (you know, the ones with the tiny black bristles bunched together) and brush it through the fleece.  Simple huh? 

For further details about brushing your fleece, the Natural Momma can tell you.  Happy brushing!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Flats Challenge Part 4

Day 6
Well I still didn’t wash diapers, so I guess I failed.  I still used my flat and covers today; well that’s not entirely true.  I used some of my prefolds too.  I like diversity.  I was honestly starting to get bored with using just flats.  If I had just flats in my stash, I’d have to get more covers to spice things up a bit.  Anyway, we were so busy from the minute we got up trying to get this house in order for the family BBQ.  We had 19 people here and with all the last minute cleaning and cooking, I was doing good just to make sure the kids were in dry diapers.  However, I did get the chance again to show them all my diapers in stock for my store and we talked about the business and cloth diapers for a while. 

Day 7
Well I’m done.  I threw my pail of dirty flats and used covers into the washer.  Now I know the challenge doesn’t end until this evening, but after yesterday I’m done.  It was nice to be able to shove all that into the machine and let it do its own thing.  I still have a few more that will need to be re-washed from this week.  Over all it was a good experience.  It made me realize that though I may be a cloth diaper fanatic, I must have my washer to make it happen.  However, if circumstances change and I am without my machine, I will be sure to have some sort of tool to help me with it.  I enjoy hanging my diapers.  It’s nicer to have the sun out to do that, but seeing them on the racks in the house is nice too.